Thursday, April 29, 2010

And So I Attempt To Revive A Dead Blog

Like a phoenix. :D

Except that no one revives a phoenix. It rises from its own ashes.

But hello to all you Dead Members.

1 howlers and owlers:

PottyWeeLad said...

Hi. I was actually doing some work from home for a client today when I came across your blog. I think it's awesome you're working on riving things.

To that end, I am in the process of building a site that is scheduled to launch this summer. It will feature Harry Potter fan fiction written by me (a 2-part series with part 1 in development and part 2 on the way), Harry Potter fan art (created by my fiance), sims spoofs featuring Harry Potter characters as well as other HP-related stuff, cross-over fan fiction for other series and news about my own original series (which I'm hoping to launch in early 2011).

Would you be interested in partnering in some way? My mind says something more than link-exchanging, but I haven't thought that far yet. Just wanted to know if you'd be interested in the idea. You'll have my email in your system so perhaps let me know if you'd be interested!

Will keep checking back often!

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