PLAYWITCH- Double Trouble
I can safely say Wotcher to welcome you for this smashing steamy issue of Playwitch featuring our hot favourite duo- Remus "Jaws" Lupin and Nymphadora "Kink" Tonks!
Apologies for closing down production for the expected May and June issues. This power-packed sexy July with the damp and dark rains and hot- hot humidity making us sweat bullets is a good time to take a "peep" at an evergreen and saucy couple- raging, unpredictable, brave and impulsive...
ooh someone show me a Bible right now! Tirra Lirra!
An intense and complex "grey" character (in many ways than one!) introduced to the HP universe in Prisoner of Azkaban as the professional, soothing and absurdly young Professor (ooh!) R.J. Lupin, Remus Lupin has managed to bewitch both witches and wizards alike. I mean even the Victorians used to enjoy "Byronic" heroes and studs in their Romances who were dark, rough, sullen, mysterious and had a shady inexplicable past (Read Heathcliffe, Rochester or more recently, Ed Cullen *heart*) Of course, being the DADA teacher was an added USP in the "mystery package" because the previous teachers had been the main attraction at Hogwarts and of course job was cruelly jinxed resulting in the death or removal of every teacher after precisely one year... but Lupin was going to stay for us! Not only was he scholarly, kind and intelligent, he was also generous with the chocolate *ummmm..... cho-co-late! Aaaah*
Being a tragic and incessant victim of "bites" due to his condition of lycanthropy (or shall I call it- his "furry little problem"?), this hot candy knew everything there was about being "animal"! And who better at wolf-whistling or howling with raunchy pleasure? I can only envy Tonks at this moment... full moon nights must be an added bonus I guess! *Grrrrowwl*
Birth name: Remus John Lupin.
First name meaning: The mythological founders of Rome were Romulus and Remus, who as a babies were suckled by a she-wolf.
Middle name: "John" from JKR interview
Last name meaning: Lupus='wolf' in Latin.
Other names: 'Moony,' referring to full moon’s effect on him. Peeves calls him 'Loony loopy Lupin'. On "Potterwatch" Remus's code name is "Romulus."
Born: March 10 1960 (year based on James's dates-DH16).
Died: May 2, 1998, killed by Dolohov at the Battle of Hogwarts
Ancestry: Half-blood (one Muggle parent or grandparent)
Childhood: "Was a very small boy" when bitten by Fenrir Greyback, transforms at each full moon.
Spouse: Married Nymphadora Tonks during the summer of 1997, before the end of July. Initially Remus was convinced that he was too old, dangerous and poor for her.
Child: Ted, named for his grandfather Ted Tonks, recently murdered by Death Eaters
Hair color: Graying light brown, gets a bit hairier than normal once a month.
Other characteristics: Werewolf; shabby clothing; often looks sickly and tired. Quiet but mischievous; people tend to underestimate him.
JKR: "Lupin's a wonderful teacher and a very nice man but he has a failing and his failing is that he does like to be liked and that's where he slips up because he has been disliked so often that he's always so pleased to have friends so he cuts them and awful lot of slack"
Voice: hoarse
Organizations & affiliations: One of the Four Marauders and Order of the Phoenix, infiltrated secretive community of werewolves in an attempt to learn what he could of Voldemort's plans
Career: Lupin joined the Order of the Phoenix after he graduated from Hogwarts. His lycanthropy made it near impossible for him to work at a normal job. The exception was when Dumbledore hired him to be the Hogwarts Defense Against The Dark Arts professor
Skills: Probably knows the castle and grounds of Hogwarts better than anyone except for the Weasley twins; Specialist in defense against dark creatures.
Patronus: Shape was indistinct
Boggart: The full moon.
Years: 1971- 1978
House: Gryffindor
School awards, etc.: Prefect
Office: 1993-1994 Defense Against The Dark Arts school year: , on the 2nd floor of Hogwarts.
Artifacts: Created Marauder's Map with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew.
Notes: Shrieking Shack and Whomping Willow near Hogsmeade created by Dumbledore during Lupin’s first year to protect him on nights that he was a werewolf
Lupin is played by David thewlis

Born: 20 March 1963 in Blackpool, Lancashire, England, UK. Thewlis was originally considered for the role of Professor Quirrell in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (2001).
From the moment of her arrival in the Order of the Phoenix at Privet Drive, JKR had singled Tonks out as the "bombshell" of the HP franchise, a female counterpart of Bill Weasley (even Mrs. Weasley thought so!), which is a true achievement for a Brit chic! I mean there is only one Muggle rocker who comes close to the "Tonks look" and I'm talking about Pink of course! But of course, Tonksy is much safer... From her varying lengths and shades of hair to the heart-shaped face (adorned occasionally with a pig snout on request!) the Weird Sisters t-shirt and boots- this Auror is one damn chic to reckon with!

Intelligent, skilled, funny, hip, young and rocking, and let's not forget the enormous sexual appetite for older, mature men *giggle... George Clooney... Johnny Depp... giggle*
It's impossible to get bored with a partner like Tonks who'll make sure your seated on the edge of that wild adventure called "life". I mean you went to sleep with a pink head and wake up with a blonde!! She's an all-in-one! Can we hear you hooting, wizards??
But then again what the hell is she doing with "mystery guy" Lupin??
Okay first- opposites attract!
And second- refer to the aforementioned "enormous sexual appetite for older, mature men"!
on the whole- a wunnerful howling fantastic couple, good at the tough and fun bits and awfully awfully brave and sexy...
*phew* need i say more?
Born: c. 1973
Died: May 2,1998
Possible name meanings: Nymphs are spirits of nature in Greek mythology. They are minor female deities who appear as young, pretty girls, and are the protectors of springs, mountains, and rivers. A nymph is also a stage of metamorphosis in the insect world.
Other names: She disliked her first name and preferred to be called "Tonks" but her father called her "Dora."
Ancestry: 'Tonks' is considered a "half-blood" because her father was a muggle-born wizard.
Mother: Andromeda Black Tonks, who is the sister of Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange
Father: Ted Tonks, a muggle-born wizard.
Spouse: Married Remus Lupin during the summer of 1997, before the end of July
Hair: various colors, changed at will.
Eyes: dark and twinkling.
Distinguishing features: as a metamorphmagus, Tonks can assume many different appearances. Her actual appearance is that of a pretty, young woman with a pale, heart-shaped face.
Disguises: An old woman with "tightly curled gray hair" and a purple hat, "a tall, tweedy woman with iron-gray hair", blond curly hair
Skills: Concealment and disguise, though she is "dead clumsy."
Career: Auror, member of the second Order of the Phoenix; a protégé of Mad Eye Moody. Part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house
Interests: Popular music, judging by the 'Weird Sisters' t-shirt
Patronus: Previous one unknown; it changed to "immense four-legged creature" in 1996
House: Hufflepuff, (1984-1991)

So a toast and kudos to the celebrated July couple- the Tonks-Lupin family for their serenity-courage and wisdom!! Extra-credit for a cool metamorphmagus son- potential hottie and hunk (although taken as well, u lucky girl- Victoire!)
Teddy Remus Lupin!
May the brazen and subtle madness, love and lust never die! On Earth or in Wizard heaven!
3 howlers and owlers:
This has been one couple I've liked in the HP series..
All of 'em pics are great..particularly the one showing all 4 friends together :)!
You certainly surpassed yourself this time, eh?
Whats with the "Jaws" and "kink" O_o
OMG! Byronic hero! He's a BYRONIC hero? That don't make me feel too good :|
I have to say this: You perv.
Oh I like the factual info...didn't know all that...
Ted dies??? Where?? *skims through 7th book*
Oooh a pic of the Marauders!!! *hug*
Aww, this was NICE. I love them. RIP =)
Removals Lancashire
I am so glad to hear how well you are doing, Lancashire We hope to come for a visit in the fall.
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