Thursday, November 15, 2007

Harry Potter and the Necessary Sequel, by Babbitty Rabbitty

Wotcher! If you are a hardcore fan like me, and were expecting a phenomenal climatic end to the series by the time the last book came out... you were definitely a teeny-weeny bit disappointed.

Alright I'm not bitter or anything, but c'mon! By the end of the book, in the final Harry-Voldemort battle, they were literally yelling 'kutte kameene ' at each other!!! And where was Ginevra Molly Weasley all along? Why was she assigned such an important role in the Half Blood Prince, and then put away like a desirable showpiece, whose prime function in Deathly Hallows is to smooch Harry, and give him the urges... Hem Hem.

I think JKR kinda lost it, after her last kid was born... well I can make such allowances, being a feminist- Mommies ARE allowed to freak a bit- but she didn't have 2 mess the whole franchise up at the end!!! I know we were all happy about Snape being good at the end, and all lover-boy... whatever!!! I simply cannot imagine what Harry James Potter would have looked like if he had been 'Severus Snape Jr.'.... or maybe I can... hehe
So I'm writing this piece of fan fiction, it's what I had imagined the book 'should' end. But considering that the said plot, is really long, the only way JKR would have been able 2 include all this is if she had gone on writing forever... something we ALL wanted!

It was written after Half Blood Prince and so some things will be at odds with the ending. But on the bright side, this is my 'more acceptable' version and also contains all the guesses and predictions I had made regarding the plot and characters before DH even came out!! So things like who R.A.B is, and that Ron n Hermione lurve each other... are all the same. But some things will be up to me, but enjoyable nevertheless...

So get started and read it. I'll be posting chapters on a weekly basis (eg. HPNS- Chapter 1... etc. U get my point right?) and would absolutely love to hear your comments! You can find all the chapters in the Creative section- label reads 'Magical Me'. This is about a lot more action, romance, killings, melodrama and twisted plot... more magic n fun inventions... and yes there will be offspring as well!! I would rate it a PG-16, something that JK should have done as well. She cares too much about her young readers!! Anyway, about this 'necessary sequel'... DRUM ROLL! Hermione meets Ron after twelve months and they discuss Harry and his mission about the Horcruxes. Will they be allowed to join him? How much danger are they all really in? How far has Harry progressed? What's Voldemort's next fatal step? And will Ron invite Hermione to the Annual Auror's Ball? well... read to find out!

2 howlers and owlers:

the silver doe said...

oooh can't wait! N welcome to Felix, Bab (:P)
n hear hear (or read read) for the Ginny-has-no-role bit

The Keeper of the Keys said...

i like snape....
anyway, hi anhiti, welcome (rather u shud be telling me that)lol

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