Monday, January 28, 2008

Magical Strokes

Wotcher! As a bona fide and loyal Mugwump, Babbitty unearthed a truly wonderful artist, Leela Starsky whose fan art send the ends of her not-so-muggle brain swirling!! Truly exquisite brush strokes and tints... this artist deserves her recognition on FelixFelicis. So here's to Leela and her enviable talent :)

Oh and if you're wondering who the blonde babe in the pic is... then you're probably as smart as a Flobberworm and shouldn't be here!

For those who can't believe their eyes and are sighing by now... yes... JK looks real peaceful in her pose while she supposedly writes the Deathly Hallows, doesn't she? It was painted as a promo to the book... Wow... just wow

If you're interested to drool at some other masterpieces, the portkey to Leela's site may be grabbed here!! GERONIMO!! :D

2 howlers and owlers:

Anonymous said...

JKR looks gorgeous , doesnt she?? And oh bab, what would we do without you? :P

The Keeper of the Keys said...

i wish i'd learnt some art. :(

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