Monday, March 17, 2008

Potter in Poetry, Part 3

Read Part 2 or start at the beginning.

Then they went to buy his things
Through the letter, Harry knew what to get,
Cauldrons and ingredients, books and quills;
At Mme. Malkins, he and Malfoy first met.

Then they went to Ollivander's Wand Shop
Said Mr. Ollivander, who was old and pale,
"It's curious; the feather in Harry's and You-Know-Who's wand
Came from the same phoenix's tail."

Hagrid also bought him a white owl
Hedwig was as white as snow;
Then Harry went back home and waited
For the day to come when he would go.

Yes, he was going to Hogwarts School
Of Witchcraft and Wizardry
To learn a bit of magic;
Oh, he was as happy as one could be!

September the first came at last,
The Dursleys dropped him at Kings Cross station
But Platform 9 and 3/4 was nowhere in sight
Oh! This was a situation!
He followed a jolly family,
They ran into a solid wall;
He did it too, and came out on the other side
Narrowly missing a fall.
He sat in the gleaming Hogwarts Express,
In his compartment was another boy,
He was Ron Weasley, red-haired and freckled
And then not a picture of joy.
They ate Beans, and Chocolate Frogs
Unwrapping them from the foil;
They met Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom,
And Malfoy and Crabbe and Goyle.

The Hogwarts Express stopped at last,
There was Hagrid, with a lamp and overcoat
He beckoned the "firs' years" to follow him to the lake,
And they rowed to the castle, four in a boat.

Into the castle, into the Great Hall they went
Professor McGonagall brought in an old hat,
It was frayed, patched and dirty,
On a stool it sat.

11 howlers and owlers:

Sulagna said...

this is the best poetry that av ever heard!!!!its really wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

haha! Thank you sooo much *bows* :)

AP said...

"Oh, he was as happy as one could be!"

"Oh! This was a situation!"

hehe sure sounds like a musical!! the funniest was - "He was Ron Weasley, red-haired and freckled
And then not a picture of joy"!!!!

not a picture of joy! LOLZ!!!!! i think thats cuz he was just about to meet the very bossy classmate- his future bride!!! ;)

The Keeper of the Keys said...

It was frayed, patched and dirty,
On a stool it sat.

i dunno why but it was the last line which got me laughing...ok you were *so* cute as a 13-yr old.

Anonymous said...

Lol, my 13-year-old rhyming makes me laugh. I love it. :D
Bab, yes, his future bride did piss him off alot, didn't she? "You've got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know?" LOL
And Keeper, why just those two lines? Oh right, you don't know why. :) *muah to you to* :D

Ragamalika said...

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! This is my dream blog!!!
If my university friends find me here, they're gonna tease me till I invent an invisibility cloak! Heck, who cares?
Sexy, sexy, sexy poem! Noice template!
You guys should be in Manipal on April 18 and 19 and telling people exactly how to keep pottermania alive through blogs!
Please please please check out
and register NOW!

Anonymous said...

Wow you actually like the poem? :D Thanks!! And for the template ^_^
Drop us a note if you'd be interested in joining...i saw your graphics and they're really good :)

And omg the Blogger meet sounds *really* interesting, but i don't think any of us will be able to make it...exams, you see...but i wish they had stuff like that here too *sigh*

Ish said...

Nice! I love the Ollivander part and the part where you've written about Harry meeting Ron, Hermoine, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle..the rhyming in those to parts I thought was just wicked cool!

Baaki brilliant toh you are anyway. Everybody knows that.

P.S. - There is definitely something about the last 2 lines. Even I like them.

Ragamalika said...

Damn the exams! So what do you guys do anyway?

Kriti said...
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Anonymous said...

@dang: I love the "foil-Goyle" bit too, lol! And Tendjewberrymud :D
@rags: Hey sorry for such a late reply...I know, damn the exams! So u wana join us? And how did the Blogger meet turn out?

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